Ronald Kakungulu Mayambala
Dr. Mayambala is a Coordinator, Administrative Officers’ Law Course, Makerere University School of Law and Chairperson, Sub-Contracts Committee, Colleges of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Uganda. He was the Chairperson, Examinations Verification Committee, Law Development Centre (LDC), Kampala, Legal Representative, College of Business and Management (CoBAMS), College Appeals Committee, Makerere University. He is also a member of Forensic Examinations Audit Committee, Law Development Centre (LDC) and a was Member of the Steering Committee, Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU).
He holds a Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D) having worked on Indigenous People, Human Rights, and the African Problem: The Case of the Twa, Ogiek and Maasai. He also has a Master of International Law and Justice (LL M ILJ), Certificate in Protection and Promotion of Copyright and Related Rights, Certificate in Protection and Utilization of Traditional Knowledge, Expressions of Folklore and Genetic Resources, Certificate in Registration of Patents, Utility Models, Industrial Designs, Trademarks and Geographical Indications and Certificate International Water Law, Negotiation Skills and Conflict Resolution among others.
He currently teaches Human Rights Law, Intellectual Property Law, Consumer Law & Protection, Equity & Trusts, Law and Legal Methods, Computers and the Law to undergraduates and Environmental Law & Policy, International Environmental Law, Intellectual Property Law and Computers the Law to graduate students. He is also a visiting Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Centre for Human Rights, The University of Pretoria, South Africa and a member of the Editorial Board and Peer Reviewer, Mount Kenya University Law Journal (MKULJ).